FlowerPot Vrod: World's Finest Desktop Vaporizer!
Indeed, the American manufacturer Newvape presents its FlowerPot Vrod salon vaporizer as the best.
With its heating element and its titanium fireplace, its convection heating system with an enormous extraction capacity, as well as the possibility of vaporizing plants as concentrates, it is true that the question arises!
In fact, if I had to compare this salon spray with a living being, it would be with a rhinoceros or Sébastien Chabal…
But beware, if the FlowerPot is incredibly powerful, it also remains very subtle with its precise temperature control and its return of flavors of great finesse that has nothing to envy to other vaporizers.
We reveal all about this luxury bike in this article, good reading on Spray Comparator!
model | FlowerPot Vrod |
maker | Newvape |
note | 18,8/20 |
BEST PRICE | €529 |
TYPE OF VAPORIZER | Salon spray |
bowl | Titanium |
TEMPERATURE PANEL | 0-1000 degrees Fahrenheit |
PLANT TYPES | Plants and concentrates |
TYPE OF HEATER | 100% Convection |
steam | fresh |
Size |
nd |
Weight | nd |
CONSTRUCTOR WARRANTY | 1 year for the PID controller |
FlowerPot Vrod: Features
– Plant spray and E-Nail for concentrates
– Ability to spray plants and concentrates at the same time (Twax)
– 100% convection heating mode for plants
– On-demand puffs
– Precise temperature control with the controller
– Titanium heater
– Compatible with glassware
– Heat in less than two minutes
– Ultra robust and durable
Spray FlowerPot Vrod Rating | Spray FlowerPot Vrod Reviews | |
VALUE FOR MONEY | 19/20 | Expensive, but versatile, durable, and dreadfully effective! |
STEAM QUALITY | 29,5/30 | Only in contact with Titanium and glass, the rendering is so subtle… |
AMOUNT OF STEAM | 9,5/10 | With its phenomenal extraction capacity, the Vrod is a real steam locomotive! |
TEMPERATURE PANEL | 19/20 | Adjustable to the degree, well above the 230oC of combustion to be able to 'dabber' the concentrates. |
WARM-UP TIME | 8,5/10 | Temperature reached in less than 2 minutes, that's fine! |
ERGONOMICS/USE | 8,5/10 | Super easy to use, with its foot to rest the heating element for safety. |
TOTAL SCORE OUT OF 100 | 94/100 | The Half-price Sublimator? |
FlowerPot Vrod spray and convection heater
Indeed, the FlowerPot Vrod lounge vaporizer works with a 100% convection heating system!
As a reminder, convection heating implies that the vaporized plant is in contact only with a stream of hot air, rather than with the heating element.
Otherwise, we would talk about heating by conduction!
In the case of Vrod, it is the user's inhalation that will circulate hot air through the plant to generate steam.
Its heating element is in Titanium, and separates the airflow by several small holes to provide a perfectly homogeneous cooking of the plants.
I insist that the extraction capacity of the FlowerPot Vrod is out of the ordinary, and allows to produce gargantuan clouds…
In addition, the flowerPot Vrod's heating element is removable, i.e. it is manually placed on the plant fireplace or on its massive titanium foot when we are not using it.
The plant is therefore perfectly preserved between two puffs, which allows us to spread the length of the vaporization session over the duration we want!
The steam quality of flowerPot Vrod
The passage of steam and air from the FlowerPot Vrod is devoid of electronic components and only comes into contact with Titanium, your plant and your glassware.
Indeed, the ambient air passes through the titanium heater element for a few centimeters to be heated, then comes into contact with the plant to produce steam.
Then the steam flows through the glassware you have chosen to use the FlowerPot Vrod lounge spray!
Thus, it can be said that the active ingredients and taste molecules are perfectly respected before being inhaled, while the glassware effectively cools the steam.
We can even say that the final rendering is of top quality, with a faithful return of flavors according to the temperature of heat selected.
Either way, with the FlowerPot Vrod's impressive extraction ability, expect an unrivalled sensory and gustatory explosion!
FlowerPot Vrod and herbal medicine?
Herbal therapy is a term that refers to medicine by plants.
To speak of medicine, it is therefore important that the vaporizer be designed with healthy and healthy materials, as is the case with FlowerPot Vrod whose steam comes into contact only with glass and Titanium.
In addition, we will also need a wide range of adjustable heating temperatures if possible to the degree.
Indeed, not all plants vaporize at the same heating temperatures…
Mint, tobacco, basil or lemongrass, for example, are ideally below 150oC, while thyme and hemp vaporize at around 180oC!
The FlowerPot VRod works with a temperature controller that fortunately offers this possibility of adjustment (in Fahrenheit), which will exceed even if we want the 230oC which is the threshold of burning plants.
Of course, we will never reach this threshold when we spray our aromatic and medicinal plants at the risk of burning them!
However, these higher temperatures will allow us to practice aromatherapy, i.e. medicine with plant concentrates.
In this case, we will place the concentrates on the silicon carbide disc (carbide silicone) at the top of the heating element, it is made for that!
Thus, we can say that the FlowerPot Vrod vaporizer is perfectly suitable for use in herbal medicine!
Ergonomics and use of FlowerPot Vrod vaporizer
The FlowerPot consists of several parts, the two most important of which are the PID temperature control box and the Titanium heater element.
In addition, the plant fireplace and its various adapters for glassware, carb-cap, spare grates and the titanium foot to rest the heating element.
There are various kits distributed by NewVape that include more or less accessories, but we highly recommend you choose one of those provided with the official weatherproof briefcase…
The storage and transport of the FlowerPot lounge vaporizer will be much more efficient and convenient!
Also, this vaporizer is not that big and therefore not so bulky.
However, you must anticipate the fact that it will work with the glassware of your choice, which can possibly be much larger!
Indeed, you can use a small sherlock tip as well as a complex bubbler with several percolators for example!
Using a bang or bubbler on foot is still preferable for more stability.
When it comes to using FlowerPot Vrod, it is simple and instinctive.
Indeed, it is enough to fill the fireplace with plants and attach the heating element to it when the selected temperature is reached!
When we do not pull through the bubbler, we rest the heating element on the titanium foot provided for this purpose, so as not to cause fire and not to expose the plants to heat.
FlowerPot Vrod maintenance
With its titanium design, it can be said that the FlowerPot Vrod is a tool that will serve many years to its owner.
But you'll still have to clean it from time to time so that it stays on top of its performance!
Indeed, a dirty vaporizer can release rancid flavors that will distort the aromas of vaporized plants…
Fortunately, the maintenance of the FlowerPot lounge vaporizer is particularly fast and easy.
Simply disassemble the plant fireplace from its bubbler connection and grid and then plunge the pieces into isopropylic alcohol.
By the time the alcohol dissolves the dirt, and just rinse the parts and dry them before using them!
In case you also use the silicon carbide disc to vaporize concentrates, disassemble it as well as the heater element to soak them in turn.
The coil as for it is perfectly insulated from steam path, so no need to take care of it.
Of course, you will also have to clean your glassware, also with alcohol and then with a rinse with water!
How FlowerPot Vrod Vaporizer Works
Manufacturer Newvape offers several different kits for its FlowerPot Vrod, and all parts are also available individually on their website.
For example, you can choose the Essentials Bundle, which includes the essentials for a smaller budget (count $447) or the Complete Kit, which can reach $683!
Whichever option you choose (we recommend taking a kit with a briefcase) the vaporizer and its accessories will be delivered to you in spare parts, which you will need to assemble yourself.
To start, plug the PID controller into the area and connect the heater element that consists of the coil and the "heater cover" into two-piece removable Titanium.
Also assemble the foot or "stand" in Titanium to put the heater element on it.
Then assemble the vaporization chamber with the bubbler connector of your choice (14 or 18mm) using the small screw that will also act as a handle, then connect it to your bubbler.
Finally, fill the plant chamber, turn on the PID controller and select the heating temperature.
The case displays the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, at the level of the heating element i.e. the coil, you can climb to 550-650 degrees F quietly without exceeding 180 degrees Celsius at the plant level.
The temperature will be reached in less than two minutes, you can then put the heating element on the vaporization chamber and inhale in order to start the heating by convection …
When you're not using the heater, just put it on the Titanium stand!
Don't forget to turn off the PID controller after you finish your spray session.
Good vapes!
FlowerPot Vrod's pluses | The – of FlowerPot Vrod | |
1 | Out-of-the-ordinary rendering | High budget, quality prices |
2 | Extraction capacity | |
3 | Solid and durable | |
4 | Fully removable | |
5 |
The FlowerPot Vrod is Newvape's most effective and powerful vaporizer.
We can only dry up the praise against this device made in USA which is also versatile with its E-nail function.
With its huge mobile heater that works by convection, we can compare it to the Sublimator to that it heats much faster, and it is almost half the price!
It is true that these are the two vaporizers with the biggest extraction capacity that I was able to try, with the Supreme V3 in third place …
However, the FlowerPot Vrod is without a doubt the most practical of the three, for the reasons I have already mentioned, its speed of heating, its versatility and its mobile heating element.
It could be the best investment of your life…
The FlowerPot Vrod pack includes:
– 1st FlowerPot Vrod Head
– 1' 28mm Sic Dish
– 1st ShovelHead Bowl
– 1-18mm male adapt
– 1-14mm male adapt
– 1- 14mm female fit
– 1st Vrod carbCap with 2 angled holes and Ti scoop dabber
– 1st FlowerPot basic safety stand
– 1st FlowerPot E-Nail handle
– 1' NewVape PID controler 20mm coil – Eu version
– 1st Weatherproof Case