The Silver Surfer Vaporizer is the preferred fixed vaporizer of many vaporizers.
Indeed, because with the Silver Surfer vaporizer wait you surf the silver volutes of highly qualitative vapors!
This salon spray is the result of a partnership between the master glassmakers Elev8 and the manufacturers of 7th Floor vaporizers.
It is fully designed and machined in the United States of America.
So let's see together what makes this Surfer huge success, because if he has a beautiful face, he also has guts!
Model | Silver Surfer Vaporizer |
maker | 7th Floor Vapes |
note | 17,8/20 |
BEST PRICE | €259 |
TYPE OF VAPORIZER | Salon spray |
bowl | Glass |
TYPES OF VEGETAUX | Plants and concentrates |
TYPES OF HEATERS | convection |
steam | fresh |
Size | 15cm-9cm |
Weight | 1.9kg |
Silver Surfer Vaporizer: Technical Features
– White ceramic heater
– Glass vaporization chamber
– Pipe inhalation system
– Heat by convection
– For herbs and concentrates
– Large temperature panel
– Temperatures adapted to the ATM
– Many customization possibilities
– Hemp quilted carry bag
SSV Rating | SSV Reviews | |
QUALITY/PRICE RATIO | 19/20 | Results like this price is almost volunteering. |
STEAM QUALITY | 28/30 | The taste of smell! |
STEAM QUANTITE | 8/10 | Expect to exhale beautiful, dense clouds. |
PANEL DE TEMPERATURES | 17/20 | The SSV is designed to exceed the combustion temperature, allowing the consumption of concentrates. |
WARM-UP TIME | 8/10 | Two or three minutes is all it takes to reach the desired temperature. |
ERGONOMICS/USE | 9/10 | Very simple and intuitive to use, we master the SSV from the first use. |
TOTAL SCORE OUT OF 100 | 89/100 | The simplest things are often the best, the SSV confirms it! |
Silver Surfer Vaporizer by convection
The Silver Surfer lounge vaporizer heating system works entirely on convection!
FYI, convection heating implies that the plant is not in direct contact with the heating element, in which case we would talk about conduction heating.
Thus, the active ingredients of the plant are extracted in the form of steam by passing a flow of warm air through the plant matter.
So it is by inhaling in the pipe attached to the glass rod (wand) serving as a receptacle for the plant that we will circulate the air to initiate the extraction.
The Silver Surfer's heating element is actually a white ceramic rod.
This ceramic element is no stranger to silver surfer Vaporizer's success.
Indeed, this material does not release any toxin even when heated to high temperature.
In addition, this system guarantees the happy owner of the SSV an incredibly pure flavor rendering.
Simple and effective, to try it is to adopt it.
The steam quality of the Silver Surfer Vaporizer
As we said earlier, the ceramic heater does a surplus of vaporization.
Indeed, it does not deliver any toxin even at high temperature, and restores high quality flavors.
In addition, the plant is stored in a glass rod in which we note the presence of a stainless steel grid so as not to suck up plant matter.
We will put the wand in contact with the glassware containing the ceramic heater on the body of the Silver Surfer vaporizer.
Then we will inhale into the food-grade silicone pipe to produce the wonderful steam we want.
Thus, with the exception of the stainless steel grille and the hose, the Steam of the Silver Surfer is in contact only with glass!
We can therefore say that the steam delivered by the Silver Surfer Vaporizer is of medical quality.
Silver Surfer Vaporizer suitable for herbal medicine?
The Silver Surfer's heating temperature is selected using an un graduated wheel.
We are therefore unable to accurately measure the vaporization temperature.
On the other hand, the manufacturer tells us that we are around 180oC when we position the wheel at 1/3 of its potential.
This temperature will be optimal for the vast majority of plants and users, but we leave it to you to do different tests in order to find your preference.
Beware, the Silver Surfer has been designed to "dabber" plant concentrates at high temperatures (with the help of an optional accessory).
Thus, it will be possible to get combustion with plants if the temperature is too high!
In addition, if the wheel is at its minimum position, it will be possible to spray fragile plants such as mint or tobacco that vaporize ideally between 100 and 150 degrees Celsius.
So, in absolute terms, we will say that the Silver Surfer Vaporizer will allow us to practice herbal medicine with all types of plants.
But also aromatherapy with any type of concentrates whether oily, liquid or crystalline like CBD crystals.
On the other hand, we will have no way to accurately measure the vaporization temperature, the care is left to the user's feelings.
The different SSV inhalation kits
7th Floor Vapes has designed three different inhalation kits for its Silver Surfer vaporizer.
Of course, you can change the option to choose the one that works best for you.
So we have:
- The SG is Standard Glass, which is logged in by the user manually. We recommend rotating with the wand to benefit from a more homogeneous extraction.
- The SG is Spherical Glass, always manually connected, is precisely designed to perform rotations in complete flexibility. In addition, the passage of air from the heating element is wider for even more homogeneous extraction.
- The GG, Ground Glass, which allows the wand to be inserted into a vaporizer for use in one hand. It becomes more complicated to rotate…
It's up to you to see what would be best for your use, I have a preference for the Spherical Glass.
Indeed, it is with the latter that I found the most homogeneous vaporization of my plants.
Ergonomics and use of the SSV vaporizer
In terms of ergonomics, the Silver Surfer Vaporizer is stable, quite discreet in terms of volume, and offers a sleek design.
Thus, the object and pretty and does not attract the attention of the layman who would not know the world of vaporization.
In addition, the access of the plant wand to the heating element is thought so that the plants can not fall towards it.
On the other hand, be careful with the glass parts, because they would not survive a fall too violent!
Note that it is possible to customize your Silver Surfer Vaporizer with many glass accessories manufactured by the master glassmakers of Elev8.
It is also possible to change the exterior coating for a look to your measure, you will find many variations on the shopping site of 7th Floor Vapes.
Finally, there is the superb hemp quilted carrying bag in which the Silver Surfer is provided.
It will allow you to move around with your vaporizer and accessories safely and in style!
Silver Surfer Spray Maintenance
To spray cleanly, your vaporizer will carefully maintain you.
While the maintenance of some vaporizers is somewhat tedious, the Silver Surfer Vaporizer's maintenance is simple.
Already, we recommend that you brush the stick where we place our plants between each spray session.
This will slow down the accumulation of plant micro-particles in the mesh of the grid, which makes it difficult to inhale.
Of course, you can also replace it with a new one when the need arises.
But this will not suffice, it will be necessary to dip the wand and mouthpiece in alcohol from time to time.
Do so when you find that the accumulation of micro-particles becomes troublesome.
After a good bath of at least fifteen minutes, rinse them thoroughly with clear water before drying them and then refixing them to the suction hose.
The latter, on the other hand, is complicated to clean…
In addition, traces of the naughtiest effect on the inner wall will be seen after the operation.
Fortunately, plant micro-particles are more likely to accumulate in the wand than in the pipe.
So I don't think it needs to be cleaned, but I change it by a new one when it's too brown.
Rest assured, the investment is minimal, there is usually a meter of pipe for less than five euros in specialized stores.
How the Silver Surfer vaporizer works
After reading the previous paragraphs, you should have already seen all the information necessary to operate the Silver Surfer Vaporizer.
Thus, we will start by turning the vaporizer once plugged in by turning the dial clockwise.
Once the temperature is chosen, for example at 1/3 of the potential of the wheel (about 180oC), we will have to wait two or three minutes before we can vaporize.
During this time, we will prepare our plants by chopping them more or less coarsely, it does not need to be too crumbled.
We will then place them in the wand provided for this purpose, which we will then connect to the vaporizer.
From now on, we can inhale through the pipe provided for this purpose.
It is therefore by inhaling that we will circulate the hot air through the plant to obtain steam.
Long and regular inhalation will be required.
Then we can lay the wand and exhale before repeating the operation.
SSV's pluses | SSVS | |
1 | Steam quality | Inaccuracy of temperatures |
2 | Aromatic respect | Hard-to-wash hose |
3 | Very practical to use | |
4 | 100% convection | |
5 | Design |
The Silver Surfer Vaporizer is, in my opinion, a masterpiece.
Besides, it seems that I'm not the only one who thinks so…
Indeed, SSV is one of the most popular salon vaporizers on the market.
Beautiful, discreet, practical and dreadfully efficient, all for a price defying all competition.
If you're looking for a quality salon vaporizer, the Silver Surfer is surely a good option!
Nevertheless, it will be necessary to be careful with the glassware, and to do with the lack of precision of the temperature setting.
The SSV pack includes
– 1st Silver Surfer vaporizer
– 1 flexible hose/aspiration whip
– 1st baguette/wand with plants
– 1st mouthpiece
– 1 tool to tosss plants
– 3rd spare grids
– 1st hemp carry bag