Firefly is truly unique in the vaporization market.

Indeed, their devices are among the few electronic portable vaporizers with on-demand puffs and 100% convection heating system.

We can also mention the Ghost MV1, but the latter is big, heavy, fragile and not so reliable so although it has the merit to exist, difficult to dwell on even if I would end up offering a comparison with the FF2.

In addition, the Firefly 2 and 2 have the special feature of being equipped with vapor chambers and glass steam circuits…

And that's not only unique but also the great class!

Here's our comparator/comparison for Firefly 2 VS Firefly 2 vaporizers!

This is not a test but only a comparison!

Model Firefly 2 Firefly 2
maker Firefly Firefly
RELEASE DATE 2016 2019
note 17.8/20 18.2/20
BEST PRICE €240 €259
TYPE OF VAPORIZER Portable vaporizer Portable vaporizer
bowl Borosilicate glass Borosilicate glass
TYPES OF VEGETAUX Plants and concentrates Plants and concentrates
TYPES OF HEATERS convection convection
steam fresh fresh
ENERGY SOURCE 1 Removable lithium-ion battery 1 removable lithium-ion battery
Size 12.6cm 3.5cm 2.4cm 12.6cm 3.5cm 2.4cm
Weight 140g 140g

Comparison Firefly 2 vs Firefly 2: Rating

Spray FF2 Rating Spray FF2 Rating
STEAM QUALITY 29/30 29/30
8/10 8/10
WARM-UP TIME 9/10 9/10
TOTAL SCORE OUT OF 100 89/100 91/100

FF2 vs FF2: Steam rendering

As I said, the spraying chambers of the plants are made of borosilicate glass…

Borosilicate glass has the distinction of being very resistant to thermal shocks.

Indeed, it can be heated up to 1500 degrees Celsius where it will melt without even exploding as a standard glass could do under the effect of heat!

Thus, no risk to the temperatures that Firefly vaporizers deliver, it is even quite suitable.

The thickness of the piece also makes it resistant to shocks, I could see with the multiple falls that my Firefly 2 (do not check for that! !

In addition, the circuit through which the steam will pass is also made of glass, in the form of a mirror, which cools it very effectively without ever distorting the aromas…

Combined with a convection heating system (ceramic heater), this circuit and glass vaporization chamber offer a simply phenomenal flavour!

Indeed, we can say without hesitation that the FF2 and FF2 offer some of the best flavor renderings, in finesse and authenticity, that can offer a portable vaporizer!

However, if the steam quality of the Firefly 2 is impeccable, its extraction capacity is far from equal to that of the FF2, which implies an excellent aromatic rendering but a minimal steam production…

Firefly 2 vs Firefly 2: Extraction Efficiency

Both vaporizers are equipped with the same convection heating system.

Convection heating involves a flow of warm air flowing through the plant to extract the active ingredients in the form of steam.

In the case of Firefly vaporizers, the heater is a white ceramic room located under the borosilicate glass vaporization chamber.

To be honest, if the steam quality of the Firefly 2 is impeccable, its extraction capacity is really mediocre …

Indeed, it is very difficult to get a substantial cloud of steam, and consuming the bowl of plants can be long and frustrating.

I insist on the very poor consistency of the steam of the Firefly 2!

On the other hand, the problem is perfectly solved with the Firefly 2, which delivers much denser and voluminous clouds!

It will even be possible to extract the active ingredients of the plants very quickly, and spray the bowl of plants in just a few puffs.

At this level, the Firefly 2 far outweighs its elder!

FF2 vs FF2: Temperature control and panel

In this section, there is absolutely no difference between the Firefly 2 portable vaporizer and the Firefly 2!

Indeed, both devices offer the same temperature range of 105 to 255 degrees Celsius.

We have the opportunity to progress in this panel in 5oC increments, via our mobile phone and its Bluetooth-connected app.

This panel allows to vaporize all types of plants, which allows to practice herbal medicine (medicine by plants).

You will have noticed that the panel far exceeds the trigger temperature of the combustion (231 c) so be careful, you could burn your plants by exceeding this threshold …

In fact, the highest temperatures are reserved for the use of concentrates (oily or crystalline rather than solid) with the stainless steel pad provided for this purpose.

It must be admitted that the Firefly 2 is devilishly effective with concentrates …

The aromatic rendering as well as the power are at the rendezvous!

The iOS app is unavailable at the time we write these lines

Firefly 2 vs Firefly 2: Autonomy

Here again, our two candidates are neck and neck!

Indeed, they are both equipped with the same removable battery lithium-ion 770 mah…

Thus, the battery life allows these two vaporizers to vaporize about 3 doses of plants around 180oC.

It's far from great, but as Fireflys are vaporizers with puffs on demand, it is possible to spread the consumption of these 3 bowls over several hours …

In addition, as the battery is removable we double the battery life with an extra battery in our pocket!

In addition, The Fireflys recharge with an induction charger called "dock" that is plugged in by USB.

The induction reloading system provides for the Firefly to be placed on its dock, so the Firefly can be "docked" between every puff when you're not using it and its battery always full!

FF2 VS FF2: Ergonomics

The Firefly 2 looks like two drops of water to Firefly 2.

In fact, the only difference between the two is the application of the Firefly logo;

Indeed, the Firefly 2 displays the old logo of the firm on its hood near the mouthpiece, as well as a small diode under the window through which you can see the plants.

While the Firefly 2 replaces its big brother's diode with a second window under which the new logo is displayed with a light!

Other than that, the Firefly stays light and practical, with a nice finish and quick and easy cleaning.

Indeed, a simple shot of alcoholic wipe on the mirror walls of the cooling system is enough to restore it to standards, it only takes a few seconds!

It is possible to set the heater activation with a single touch sensor rather than both, it's still more convenient especially when you're on the move…

In summary

The Firefly 2 portable vaporizer is the same in almost every way as the Firefly 2!

Except that the defects of the 2 have been corrected with the 2, especially in terms of its extraction capacity …

Indeed, it was very difficult to produce satisfactory clouds of steam with the FF2 which could be very frustrating.

It gives the impression of turning under regime…

The FF2, on the other hand, is an excellent vaporizer that will appeal to a wide audience with its on-demand puffs, exceptional rendering and consequent steam production!