The Vapcap "M" is a portable lighter-heating hand vaporizer, offered by the ingenious American manufacturer Dynavap.
Available since 2017 following the success of the brilliant but fragile glass Vapcap, the Dynavap "M" vaporizer takes over with the qualities it lacked.
Solidity is now at the rendezvous!
Exceptional flavour, on-demand puffs and record ergonomics combined with turbo lighter heating make up all the success of these small bombs that are the Vapcap, the Omnivap and the "M" from Dynavap.
With so many qualities, you'll soon forget the flaws of portable electronic vaporizers.
Goodbye to battery failures and lead pockets, hello freedom!
Discover our test and review of the Dynavap "M", second heir to the Dynavap House.
Model | The "M" 2018 |
maker | Dynavap |
note | 16.3/20 |
BEST PRICE | €59 |
TYPE OF VAPORIZER | Portable vaporizer |
bowl | stainless steel |
TYPES OF VEGETAUX | Plants and concentrates |
TYPES OF HEATERS | conduction |
steam | lukewarm |
ENERGY SOURCE | Hard flame lighter |
No |
Size | 9cm-1cm |
Weight | 20g |
The features of the Vapcap "M" portable vaporizer
- Manual heater
- Temperature control
- Steam on demand
- Stainless bowl
- Airflow/non-adjustable draw
- Plants and concentrates
- Warm steam
- Respect for flavours
Vaporizer "M" 2018 Rating | Vaporizer "M" 2018 Reviews | |
QUALITY/PRICE RATIO | 18/20 | The best vaporizer at this price! |
STEAM QUALITY | 26/30 | Very good rendering |
STEAM QUANTITE | 8/10 | Heavy production if heating under control |
PANEL DE TEMPERATURES | 7/10 | Between -150C and 220C |
autonomy |
8/10 | ND: gas lighter |
WARM-UP TIME | 9.5/10 | Just a few seconds! |
ERGONOMICS/USE | 9/10 | Small, efficient and easy to use |
TOTAL SCORE OUT OF 100 | 85,5/100 | The best vaporizer for less than 100 euros |
2018 portable "M" vaporizer by conduction
Dynavap offers the same vaporization concept for its entire range of portable vaporizers.
It is a system with heating by conduction and manual with hard flame lighter (turbo, blowtorch, storm …).
This conduction heating system induces direct contact between the plant and the heating element, in order to extract the active ingredients.
I assure you, with Dynavap there is no contact between the flame and the plant material!
It is also impossible to inhale gas.
The common heater element of all Dynavap portable vaporizers is actually a small steel cap (cap) covering and heating the bowl in which the herbs are placed.
The materials on the cape allow for rapid heating and cooling, which is ideal for an on-demand vaporizer, but note that titanium Dynavaps are even better in this area.
In addition, the ingenuity of Dynavap vaporizers is to make the heater element the temperature control indicator.
Indeed, a "click" alerts us when the temperature is reached.
Finally, there are no other portable manual heater vaporizers that offer this possibility.
This is what makes these portable manual vaporizers a unique concept on the market!
The steam quality of the 2018 "M" vaporizer
"Quality" is the word that comes to mind when I think of the steam produced by the Dynavap "M" 2018.
Indeed, it has nothing to envy that delivered by other excellent vaporizers!
Highly respectful of the aromas and terpenes of your plants, you can practice herbal medicine provided they are vaporisable between 150 and 220 degrees Celsius.
The steam is rather cool thanks to the length of its stainless steel tube which offers a good cooling.
The airflow is not adjustable, but adequate to ensure the Dynavap "M" vaporizer a nice steam production.
I recommend long and slow aspirations to get a steam supplied!
Autonomy and heating time of the Vapcap "M"
The Vapcap "M" vaporizer is therefore used with a lighter, which offers great flexibility to the user.
Indeed, as long as you have a full turbo lighter, the range of the portable "M" manual vaporizer will be limitless.
So remember to keep a gas refill on hand so you never get dry, and drop to the freedom to go where and whenever you want!
The gas used for a hard flame lighter must be pure at the risk of damaging it, so opt for butane without impurities.
The heating and cooling time is fast, which is in line with the technical needs of a vaporizer with puffs on demand.
The plants are preserved between each puff, allowing a vaporization session to be completed at its own pace.
It only takes a few seconds to deliver the steam you're looking for!
Vapcap "M" vaporizer: temperature control?
The problem with manual heating vaporizers is that most of them do not offer the ability to precisely control the temperature.
It is therefore difficult to achieve optimal heat allowing the vaporization of plants, with an ever-present risk of combustion.
It was a bitter frustration for me to experience it with models like the Vaponic technique (your m… forgiveness was too tempting).
But it's ignoring the Vapcap, Omnivap and "M" ranges from Dynavap that revolutionize the concept by destroying the unique weakness of manual heating vaporizers!
Indeed, the temperature control is present, although the panel is reduced to the range 150-220 degrees Celsius.
Let's be honest, that'll be enough for the majority of herbal medicine lovers.
It will be considered that by heating the outer end of the circular wall of the cape the temperature will be less than 150oC.
If you heat around the middle, you will reach 200-210 degrees Celsius, which is the acceptable limit for spraying hemp, for example.
It is also possible to spray plant extracts of any type, in which case the position of the flame will be adjusted according to the necessary temperature.
Remember to wrap your concentrates with a little organic cotton before placing them in the bowl to keep it clean and optimize extraction.
Beware, combustion (231oC) is possible with the Dynavap "M", so we will avoid exceeding the recommended heating area too much.
Rest assured, we explain below in detail how to heat the Dynavap "M" portable vaporizer.
Ergonomics and use of the Dynavap "M"
Dynavap's portable vaporizers are the champions of ergonomics!
It's simple, they are surely the smallest vaporizers in the world.
No longer than the middle finger and no wider than a fingernail, it is even possible to lose his "M" between the cushions of the sofa!
Its weight of 20 grams will make it an excellent companion.
In addition, its carry case will protect it from shocks and falls and slip through its pockets.
Notice, the Dynavap "M" which is designed in stainless steel would require a real hard work to be deteriorated.
On the other hand, the cape covering the plant bowl is more fragile, take care!
It is very convenient to remove sprayed plants from the bowl using its visor.
The Dynavap "M" is fully removable, making cleaning quick and easy.
Maintenance of Dynavap "M" portable vaporizer
How the Dynavap "M" vaporizer works
The Dynavap "M" requires a little practice to be mastered.
I recommend you do one or a few vacuum tests to familiarize yourself with its heating system.
Indeed, it will be your guide to find the sought-after steam.
Be careful, it is important to heat the side walls of the cap all its circumference, never heat the tip as if to light a cigarette!
Be aware that its upper end is composed of two walls, which collide when the desired temperature is reached.
This collide produces a characteristic sound (a "click" followed by a "cloc") that will act as a signal when inhalation is possible, much like the "beep" of a miro-wave when the food is ready.
It is recommended to stop the heating at the "click" rather than the "cloc", in which case the desired temperature will increase by a few degrees.
A second "click-cloc" will be audible when the portable "M" vaporizer is cooled enough to be heated again.
Be sure to wait for this second beep before restarting the heater at the risk of going for combustion and damaging the hood!
If in doubt, it is best to wait about 30 seconds before repeating the operation.
In addition, we have the option to choose the vaporization temperature of our herbs depending on the area of the course we heat.
If we heat near the outer end of the cap, the temperature will be close to 150oC.
On the other hand, the more we move the flame in the interior of the cape, the higher the temperature.
Thus, by heating halfway through the extremities, you will get an extraction close to 200oC.
Now that you've mastered the concept, it's time to fill the bowl of Dynavap "M" with your favorite plants!
Good vapes:)
Dynavap "M" | The – of the Dynavap "M" | |
1 | Temperature control | Ask for a little training |
2 | On-demand puffs | |
3 | Record ergonomics/solidity | |
4 | Steam quality | |
5 | Value for money |
Because of its champion ergonomics and the quality of steam it produces, the Dynavap "M" proves to be an excellent portable vaporizer!
Its unseeding solidity will make him a friend to be counted on for years, if not for life.
Of course, it requires a little practice time in order to be perfectly mastered, but as the saying goes, it is by forging that one becomes a blacksmith.
Its value for money hurts the competition.
It's simple, there is no electric portable vaporizer at the same price that will deliver such a qualitative vapor!
I highly recommend the Dynavap "M" for both the demanding beginner and the veteran interested in the discovery of manual heating!
It will also be an unconditional asset for all outdoor vapers for whom batteries are a constraint.
For purists with a higher budget, the grade 2 titanium Dynavap Omnivap vaporizer will be the best choice possible!
The Dynavap "M" vaporizer pack
– 1 Dynavap "M" stainless steel vaporizer
– 1 plastic case
You're just missing a torch lighter!